In the novel Housekeeping , I found Sylvie to be a very interesting character. I really enjoyed her attitude and philosophy towards life. No matter what is happening at the time, Sylvie always seems to be happy and carefree. A large part of this is that she doesn’t seem to care what anyone else thinks of her. Thus, she is able to focus on and do what pleases her, instead of what pleases society. Sylvie also doesn’t worry too much about what has happened in the past or what will happen in the future -- she lives in the moment. It’s difficult not to worry about what may happen to you in the future, but Sylvie manages to do it and, as a result, isn’t as stressed as most people are in their day-to-day lives. Sylvie doesn’t lead a “normal” life, but instead lives like a transient, even when she is taking care of Ruth and Lucille. Even when she comes back to live in her mother’s house, Sylvie keeps many of her transient habits with her. She carries oyster crackers in her pockets, knows h...